To protect and preserve State water resources for drinking, swimming, fishing, and other uses to benefit present and future South Carolinians. |
Water Quality
- 401 Water Quality Certification
- Navigable Waters
- Nationwide Permits for Minor Projects
- 303(d) Impaired Waters & TMDLs
- Watersheds and Non-Point Source
- Adopt-A-Stream
- Champions of the Environment
Monitoring, Assessment, & Protection
- Agricultural Permitting
- Groundwater Withdrawals
- Surface Water Withdrawals
- Underground Injection Control (UIC)
- Private/Residential Wells
- Groundwater Protection Program
Dam Safety & Stormwater Permitting
Aquatic Science Programs
Drinking & Recreational Water Protection
- CMDP Electronic Reporting
- Drinking Water Protection Overview
- Drinking Water Compliance Monitoring
- Enforcement
- Drinking Water Construction & Permitting
- Drinking Water Watch
- Recreational Waters Protection
Water Facilities Permitting
- Land Application Permit Program
- Wastewater Construction
- Wastewater Pump and Haul
- 208 Wastewater Management
- State Revolving Fund